This sweet couple started out their time with me telling me how awkward they are. They pretty much voiced how I think so many of us feel in front of the camera! Honestly, just be yourself. Seriously. Just be you. Are you awkward? OK! However, in reality, I bet you’re not as awkward as you think you are! Overwhelmingly, authenticity is so much more precious than you looking back and wondering who that is looking back at you! This beautiful Fall Maternity Session is a celebration of who these precious people really are.
How cute are they? I don’t see awkwardness at all! I see who they are. Shy, a little reserved, a little quirky, tons of fun, fully comfortable and safe with each other. Absolutely gorgeous, let’s not leave that out! And absolutely thrilled with the thought of their little human making an appearance.
Fall in New England is just gorgeous. This mama celebrated this rich time of year which somehow, even though it signals the end of summer and outdoor living, invites expectation as we wait for the holiday season. For her, waiting for baby with a due date so close to Christmas means waiting for a time of year just filled with joy in so many ways! A Fall Maternity Session I think really encompasses so much of that sense of expectation.
Westport, MA has it’s own magical spots, and being able to see the creek that leads straight out to the ocean among the gorgeous fall colors is stunning! This spot is one of my favorites for any season at all! So looking forward to the next time I get to create some magic here…