Beautiful Myra! 19 days old and such a sweet and content little one! It was my pleasure to get to know her and her amazing parents, whose journeys brought them from across the globe, to the same place and time, a love was born, and then this little one, all the way to a newborn photographer on the South Shore, MA!
I so love these stories of people meeting almost against the odds! Who would have thought that a life and its moments in one place in the world, and another life and its moments in a totally different place in the world, could collide and create moments such as these?
Both from India, both decades apart, and both ending up in the same town, and same university, in Massachusetts.
I guess I love these stories so much because they run so parallel to mine, which somehow had a gal from South Africa and a guy from Massachusetts join forces to take on life together!
No, not somehow… it can only be by design 🙂
I am grateful that all of this design includes days like this where I get to spend time doing what I love with such a precious family! Thank you for the honor, P family, and thank you for the privilege of getting to know you just a little. I hope we can spend more time together in the future!
Everyone has a story and I would love to document this chapter of yours! Find out more about maternity or newborn sessions!
Now for beautiful, precious Myra!
I already posted some favorites on Instagram (here and here) and Facebook (here). I could just keep posting and posting… she’s stunning!
At 19 days old she’s a little older than usual for a newborn in the studio, which is usually around 6 days old or so, but boy was she a little sweetheart…. how beautiful are her portraits!?
Thanks again, P family!
Till next time!
Newborn Photographer, South Shore MA